Where can people buy a bike, have their car washed and learn how to cut energy costs, all at the same time? At the Spring into Moretown Festival coming up on Saturday, May 31, at the Moretown School and Recreation Fields. The event kicks off at 9 a.m. and runs to 3 p.m., with different activities scheduled throughout the day.

Top of the list is an energy fair sponsored by the Moretown Energy Committee. Visitors can check out an electric car in the school parking lot and test drive electric-assisted bicycles. There will be workshops and demonstrations on using renewable energy and energy efficiency in the home and at work. More than a dozen vendors will be on hand to provide information on solar energy, LED lighting, insulation and more. And free smoothies will be available all day, whipped up in blenders powered exclusively by bicycles.

The sixth annual Valley-wide Bike Swap is also coming to the festival. The swap, which is usually held in Waitsfield, is being hosted this year by the Moretown PTN. You can sell, swap or donate a bike, and all bikes are welcome. Drop off bikes at the Moretown School from 3 to 7 p.m. on Friday, May 30. Those who can't get their bike to the swap can contact Mikki Nucci to arrange a pick-up (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Participants can also have their car washed while they are at the festival. The Friends of the Moretown Library will be wielding hoses, soap and sponges in the school parking lot and all donations will support programs at Moretown Memorial Library.

Spring into Moretown will also have live music in the afternoon with Moretown's own Scared by Dolls. The fire department will serve up a barbecue on the school grounds from noon to 2 p.m., and the local Freshies group will sell plants and other locally grown products. Moretown Methodist Church is also running a yard sale at the parsonage on Main Street, with a table selling local memorabilia.

Finally, kids will enjoy face painting, arts and crafts and lots of fun on the school playground.
