We have all been treated to another show of how members are manipulated when their vote is needed. In this case the crucial holdout was a Senator from Louisiana. She was offered a $300 million bribe concerning federal fund support for two of her pet projects, and she took it. I sometimes think politicians can't live without "pork."

This is stuffed with so many bad items it is no wonder it was so close to being defeated. Let's look at just a few of the baddies. Remember, the whole point of revamping health care is to cut the cost to the consumer.

Tort reform. Not included. Republicans were not invited to help in preparing this bill. The Trial Lawyers Association supplies much needed cash to the Democrat coffers and are therefore negatively inclined to make any changes here that would cut that support, making our costs higher than needed.

The "Public Option" was included. This would permit the government to run our heath care program by being able to undercut the pricing of private competitive insurance policies and slip the true costs over to the "rich" to pay. In spite of the fact that the government is not equipped to run a business and has no incentive to meet stated goals and costs, they still want to take over control. To my knowledge the only program that is functioning properly is the Prescription Part D of Medicare. This success resulted from the application or free market enterprise, something that the Dems don't want to acknowledge. Yes, this anomaly came about because of the many competitive insurance policies offered in each state. In my own case, my Plan D annual deduction stayed the same, but the monthly premiums and the prescription costs went down.

One of the big reasons the administration is insisting on passing health "reform" with government control has to do with the SEIU (Service Employees International Union). This outfit is headed by Andrew Stern and enjoys "unrivaled access to the White House" (National Review, 23 Nov. 09). His objective is to increase government spending on health care for his union members and cost-shift the rest to us. He's been quoted as bragging that they supplied $60.7 million to elect Obama and therefore no doubt expects quid pro quo.

 Wording preventing health care for illegal aliens resulting in keeping our costs high, can be suspect, because Obama, like Bush, could promote legislation accepting them as citizens and therefore eligible.

The cost estimate by the OMB for this current bill was something around $800 billion over 10 years. As it turns out, that was just for the first 10 years. Their plan is to start taxing in January 2010 but no services under this Obama care until 2013. They collect the funds for three years and use it to lower the costs for the first 10-year period. The OMB cost projection for a fully operational 10-year period is in the trillions. But we're supposed to look at the first number, not the real 10-year projection.

These are just a minor part of the shenanigans that our elected senators have put together. This bill was slapped together in order to get something that would pass, not something to cut costs. Our needs have been subverted for political gains in the form of payback and greater centralized government control (socialism). Instead of rewarding friends and trying to modify such a huge portion of our economy in one bill, they should consider first a bill that attacks only the cost-saving ingredients, then adjust other portions later if necessary. In other words, take a piece at a time.

Contact Senators Leahy and Sanders and tell them to get with the original intent of overhauling our health care system, cost reduction, not subversion of free enterprise.

Potter lives in Waitsfield