Laskowski to join VR staff

Hadley Laskowski, Waitsfield, is The Valley Reporter’s new staff writer.

Laskowski graduated from Cornell University last spring with a degree in psychology. Laskowski moved back to The Valley after spending seven years away, first attending Berkshire School, a boarding school in Massachusetts, and then college. Laskowski is an avid skier and is excited to ski Mad River Glen and Sugarbush this winter.

Her previous writing experience includes a travel blog written during her time studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, as well as writing and editing a weekly newsletter for the U.S. embassy in Quito, Ecuador, during a summer internship with the State Department. Currently, Laskowski works remotely as researcher for the sociology department at Cornell.

“I am excited to move back to the Mad River Valley because I love being immersed in nature. It’s the perfect place for someone like me, who loves to be active and outdoors. Many of my friends from school moved straight to Boston or New York City after graduating. But personally, I’d rather see trees than high rises when I look out my window every morning.”

Laskowski applied for the position because of her interest in journalism. As an intensely curious person who loves writing, she decided it was the perfect job for her.

“In college, I explored the possibility of becoming a psychologist but decided against it. Still, I loved my major and am grateful that I got the opportunity to do an intensive study of the human mind for four years. People tend to think that your college major determines the trajectory of your life, but that isn’t necessarily true. I am the proof!” said Laskowski.

Laskowski is looking forward to this role in her hometown community because she hopes to learn more about the place that made her the person she is today.

“It wasn’t until I left that I realized how special the Mad River Valley is – a beautiful, safe place surrounded by ski mountains that’s full of friendly people. What more could you ask for?” said Laskowski.

Staff writer Katie Martin will be leaving The Valley Reporter to pursue a role in the marketing field after writing for the paper for a year and a half as a staff writer.

“I am thankful for everything that this position taught me. I learned a lot about local town governments and our district schools in ways I never thought about before. I enjoyed meeting many people and being a part of The Valley during my time here and am grateful for all of the opportunities and experiences I’ve had,” said Martin.