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In a recent report to the Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) Board, new district finance director Lisa Estler laid out capital improvements being done on district schools this year. Last year, a $59.5 million bond that would have covered improvements and repairs to HUUSD schools failed at the polls but some building projects were able to be completed over the summer with maintenance reserve funds. Others were put out to bid but have been delayed due to lack of availability of contractors.



Carpets and flooring have been replaced at all HUUSD schools. Parking lots at Crossett Brook Middle School and Harwood Union Middle/High School have been patched. The middle school roof at Harwood has been replaced. Other completed projects at Harwood include asbestos abatement and installing classroom partitions. Moretown also completed asbestos abatement, as well as replacing the floor of the gym and a hallway project is 97% complete. The contractor ran short of materials, Estler explained. That project will be completed when the materials arrive. 

Warren School also completed asbestos abatement, though the contractors found more asbestos-containing materials than previously expected. The materials had to be removed to keep the flooring project moving forward. Brookside Primary School replaced the reheat coil of the HVAC system. A new boiler has been installed at Fayston Elementary School.


Crossett Brook Middle School will undergo direct digital control systems (DDCs) upgrades. The contractor has recommended evaluation to determine the highest priority using operating funds. The project is anticipated to be done next construction season.

The district recently learned that the original supplier for folding partitions at Crossett Brook had gone bankrupt. The contractor has reached out to another supplier and the cost estimate has increased by $3,000. Estler reported they are reaching out to the other bidder to see if they are still interested in completing the project.

New bleachers for Harwood are expected to be delivered the last week of September and installed the first week of October. HVAC replacement at the school is still in the engineering phase and is slated to go out to bid this fall.

Stormwater drainage at Moretown is a town-managed project scheduled for next summer.


HVAC upgrades are needed at Brookside Primary School. The project is still with the engineers and will go out to bid this fall for completion next summer. Fayston Elementary needs new kitchen ventilation. Pending board approval, it should be installed in the next six weeks.

Waitsfield Elementary needs a kitchen upgrade. Preliminary cost estimates have this project at around $400,000 including equipment. Engineering and design are ongoing and the plan is to go out to bid this fall for completion next summer.

According to Estler’s report, “The kitchen at Fayston Elementary overheats and there is very little airflow to address the overheating from the equipment. As a temporary stop gap measure a window with a screen was installed in the door last year for airflow and to prevent the staff from opening the door to the outside. However, this did not alleviate the problem and the overheating still continues. A mini split system has been recommended to be installed in the kitchen to address this issue. The total cost (unit, installation of unit, electric) is $12,825. The vendors (New England Air for the mini split system and CE Wendel Electrics) are available to complete this work in the next few weeks. At the time, the administration is recommending the board to approve the bid from New England Air and CE Wendel Electrics in the amount of $12,895 from the maintenance reserve fund, to install a mini split system in the kitchen at Fayston Elementary School to be done in the next few weeks.”


The district has been unable to find contractors for a number of upcoming projects.

The exterior door by the band room in Crossett Brook Middle School needs to be replaced and the district has been unable to find a contractor to take on the project. The district is also having difficulty getting glass companies to respond to a bid to replace the exterior entrance doors at Harwood. That project will need to be pushed to next year. Estler noted some repairs have been made “to hold us over.” The chimney at Harwood needs to be repaired and no contractors are available this year. The project will go back out to bid for next summer.

Moretown Elementary is having the same issue with replacing its front doors. It has been unable to find a contractor to commit to an installation schedule. The kitchen drains also need to be replaced and the district has been unable to find contractors to bid for this year. The project will be pushed to next summer. Warren School needs loading dock repairs, which have also been delayed.

Brookside also needs work on the north entryway and storm windows need to be replaced. No available contractors for this work have been located. The entryway project will be going out to bid this fall for completion next summer.

Fayston Elementary needs siding replaced on the building and has not been able to find an available contractor to do the work.

Warren School needs a sprinkler upgrade and contractors are unavailable for this year. A bid will be put out for the work to be done next summer.

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