The Waitsfield Development Review Board approved a five-lot subdivision for Shea Property Services near the bottom of Center Fayston Road this week.



The lots range in size from 1.61 to 3.34 acres with four lots slated for residential development and a fifth lot of 24.7 acres not being developed at this time.

On March 28, the DRB approved the application of Aron and Corey Shea of Shea Property Services to subdivide the land, which is part of the former Spaulding farm. The lots are located near the bottom of Center Fayston and will be developed on the south side of that road.

Shea Property Services purchased the Spaulding property in May 2021 and sold the farmhouse in January 2022.

The new lots will be accessed via a new private road off Center Fayston Road. The DRB reviewed the development as a major subdivision. As part of the review process the applicants had to demonstrate that lot boundaries and development envelopes avoid undue adverse impacts on wetlands, flood plains, streams and rivers and designated water supply source protection areas. There are wetlands on the parcel, but primarily on lot five.

There are steep slopes on the property and the Shea proposal mostly avoids development in areas with over 25% slope and minimizes disturbance of areas over 15% slope. The Vermont Department of Wildlife identified portions of the un-subdivided parcel as a deer wintering area and the Sheas conducted a study that determined that a deer wintering area was found on a 0.9-acre area along a stream on the northwestern portion of the parcel and contend that this area is connected to a larger habitat block to the north of the original parcel.

Per the DRB’s approval, historic features on the property including stone walls along with a water cistern from the early 20th century will be preserved along with prime ag lands and soils to the extent possible. When the DRB approved the preliminary plan review for this project the board asked that building envelopes be reduced which is reflected in the final plan approved this week.


While the fifth, remaining lot is not currently slated for development; a preliminary master plan was required for that 24.7-acre lot. On that lot slopes over 25% and wetlands makes up 10.3 acres, leaving 14.4 developable acres. If that lot were to be developed, 14 one-acre lots could be created. If the development were clustered, a 25% density bonus would make 17 dwelling units possible. If development were clustered and 50% of it was affordable, 21 dwelling units would be possible.

In addition to the Shea subdivision, the DRB heard two other subdivision proposals at its hearing this week. One was a final review of a proposal by Kathleen Basile, also on Center Fayston Road. That project is a two-lot subdivision of an existing 5.4-acre lot and boundary line adjustment of boundaries on three pre-existing lots to create a 3.1-acre lot, a 2.4-acre lot, a 1.4-acre lot and a 1.8-acre lot.

The third subdivision review was a sketch plan review for Thomas and Nancy Emory, the Emory Jr. Family Trust, which calls for subdividing a 10.2-acre lot into two lots of 5.1 acres each. That project is on Palmer Lane.