The following bus schedule is effective for the start of the school year 2021-22. It may be adjusted based on ridership when necessary. Board the bus that covers the route or meet the bus at the designated pickup points closest to home.



  • NOTE: Read through students’ routes carefully, as routes have changed

significantly for the 2021-22 school year.

  • NOTE: Students will be required to wear visible masks at all times while riding the bus.

The order of bus runs is as follows:

1.   District-wide AM runs

2.   District-wide PM runs

3.   Late runs

LATE BUSES: Late buses start at 5:45 PM.

CVCC: All CVCC students will need transportation to one of the bus stops on the CVCC route. They will not be able to ride the other buses to Harwood and board the CVCC bus there like they have in the past.

The departure time from the bus stops can vary by five minutes, and may vary more due to new protocols. Students should be at the bus stop, ready to board the bus at least five minutes before the bus’s expected arrival. This will avoid unnecessary delays for students farther along on the route. Drivers and parents should set their clocks with the WDEV radio time (550AM or 96.1FM). WDEV also announces route delays.



The HUUSD provides transportation to and from the Granville Town Hall.

HUUSD bus schedule 2021-22

Kindergarten and Preschool Bus Transportation

Preschool and kindergarten students will only be released into the care of a parent or other authorized caregiver at a designated drop-off point. If the authorized caregiver is not present to receive the child, the child will be returned to the school, and the parent will be contacted to arrange transportation for the child.


Regulations Regarding Personal Property on School Buses

Students may only bring items they can carry in a bag and hold on their laps on the school bus. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations prohibit items in the aisle. Items that interfere with the other riders’ personal space will not be allowed on the school buses. Students are prohibited from bringing on the bus skis, ski poles, snowboards, snowshoes, skateboards, ice skates, ice hockey bags, golf bags, and large musical instruments. Parents need to arrange alternative transportation for these items.


Contact Jen Mitchell or Danial Sargeant at (802) 244-6422.