Rob Wilich, Mad River Riders, reports that trail conditions remain good to very good throughout the networks. With some much-needed rain enthusiasts were able to try out the freshly reconstructed drainages in a lot of areas. 



"Going down Busternut to Goodnite Irene has been one of my favorites so far this year. Just a reminder; please don’t park on Butternut Hill Road or at the Butternut Condos and if you are driving on it, please drive slowly. We have had some recent complaints of people driving too fast, and we would like to eliminate that if possible,” Wilich said.

While folks are over that way, they can check out the new piece of trail from Bundy Road to the Mad Bush parking lot. 

"This was a sticky build, but it’s now ready for your wheels. If you see any trees down or damage that needs addressing, please enter it in Trail Forks as a Trail Report with a picture or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,” Wilich added. 


In other news, with school ending this week Riders hope to see a lot of younger riders out there enjoying the trails and if people happen to be riding on Tuesday nights after 5:30 p.m. they may come across a Mad River Rippers ride. The kids programming starts this week and most participants and others are pumped for the cremees.

"With generous donations from our community, we have been able to hire some paid coaches to offer the kiddos some skills. Along with this, our Coach In Training program has found a footing under the management from board member, Kathy Haskell,”Wilich said and noted that with the majority of the build season still ahead, there’s plenty of maintenance to do on existing trails and exciting developments on brand new trails to look forward to! ”