Waitsfield Town Office

The Waitsfield Select Board is close to adopting new charges for zoning applications and permits.


The town’s fee schedule was last updated in 2013 at the behest of then zoning administrator Susan Senning, according to current zoning administrator J.B. Weir.

“In 2013, Susan promoted revising and increasing the fees as Waitsfield's fee schedule was a good deal lower than other towns. The select board adopted a revised fee schedule in 2013 that succeeded the prior one adopted in 2009. The 2013 fee schedule, which has been in place, is comparable with Fayston's but much lower than Warren's schedule,” Weir explained.

Town administrator Annie Decker-Dell’Isola said that the select board reviewed a draft schedule of increases at its June 27 meeting and the board requested changes, asking that the new schedule break out fees based on square footages, as Warren does with its zoning fees. At that same meeting the board asked that the proposed fees be increased more than proposed, based on Warren’s fees which are the most expensive in The Valley.

The board reviewed a second version of the proposed zoning fees at a meeting on July 11 which could go into effect as early as this week, Decker-Dell’Isola said.

“There are a few clarifications from the board that I need to get to J.B. Weir, but the board can adopt it without posting it or accepting input and comments.

The clarifications the board requested after the second review of the proposed fee schedule are to have the new rates reflect that they are for square footage and per unit.

“It was very clear about the fees per dwelling unit in the case of a duplex or multi-family unit. There is a fee that is based on 10 percent of square footage for all livable spaces and an additional $150 or $250 per residential dwelling unit, depending on the total square footage of the building,” Decker-Dell’Isola said.

“This is a combination of how Warren and Waterbury calculated these fees,” she added.

In working on the new fee schedule the select board compared Warren, Fayston and Waterbury’s fee schedules and protocols.